Inheritance Baltimore is a catalyst, using humanities and arts education to transform the relationship between Johns Hopkins University and Black Baltimore. Inheritance Baltimore redistributes resources from inside the university walls to outside of them.

By valuing the multiple forms of knowledge, creativity, and expertise produced by Black Baltimore, this project creates durable infrastructure to preserve and transmit these historical legacies and communal properties to future generations. Inheritance Baltimore is placing technical skills, archival expertise, and research experience at Johns Hopkins University in the service of restoring and expanding arts and humanities education in the city.

Inheritance Baltimore serves as a drafting table for the university to reckon with and redress its own failures to put knowledge created in Black Baltimore on an equal footing with knowledge created in seminar rooms past and present. Inheritance Baltimore focuses the energy of freedom education and directs it toward Black liberation.

Inheritance Baltimore includes three units at Johns Hopkins University that facilitate the project’s mission:

News & Announcements

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Researching the Africana Archive: Black Cemetery Stories

The Johns Hopkins course Researching the Africana Archive: Black Cemetery Stories brings together a community of scholars to discover, recover, and maintain Baltimore’s Black cemeteries. Read the full article on the Hub.

Nine Graduate Fellowships Announced for JHU and Nearby HBCU Students

Inheritance Baltimore: Humanities and Arts Education for Black Liberation is delighted to announce the availability of nine new fellowships and teaching assistantships for graduate students at Johns Hopkins and local partner institutions for the academic year 2023-2024.